TvAddons bloccherà i propri add-on in due Build



Il celebre team TvAddons, noto per aver dato alla luce una quantità impressionante di programmi e add-on per Kodi, ha minacciato di disabilitare i propri add-on nelle build Gears of WarShowbox. I rispettivi creatori, secondo quanto dichiarato, hanno ripetutamente offeso e mancato di rispetto ai ragazzi di TvAddons. Non abbiamo mai avuto modo di provare le build in questione ma i motivi che hanno spinto i ragazzi di TvAddons a fare una scelta così importante ha sicuramente un valido motivo.

Ecco la dichiarazione originale pubblicata nel forum di TvAddons:

After much consideration the TVA developers as well as several friendly developers have decided the build author of Gears of War and Showbox has left us no choice but to block our addons from his builds. Over the last several months he has shown a consistent lack of respect and consideration for those developers whose addons he uses to create his builds. While TVA has ignored his temper tantrums to date, the final nail in the coffin was when he slandered Lambda with unsubstianted, slanderous, and false claims in his recent videos.

Please know, that we do not take this action lightly or without serious consideration. We want everyone to be able to use the addons that we spend thousands of hours developing with no compensation whatsoever. For all that effort we only ask one thing: respect. If that small consideration can not be made, then we can’t allow our work to be re-used.

We want to be clear on this, this block is not about builds. While TVA does not encourage builds, we recognize the right of every user to install and setup their system the way they see fit. This is about one particular build creator consistently insulting and disrespecting the very people that his work depends on. Hopefully, this build creator will see the error of his ways and rescind and apologize for his past statements. Based on past behaviour though, I’m not hopeful.

If you are a user of either the GoW or Showbox build, we realize it sucks for you that you are caught in the middle of this situation. If you agree with our stance, then reach out to this build creator and tell him so. Perhaps that will sway him to do the right thing. If you don’t care, and just want to watch some TV, then I suggest a Fresh Start with a custom setup or at least not using one of the builds from this build creator.

Quello è quello che succede quando non vi è rispetto tra persone che al posto di collaborare tra di loro, giocano a farsi la guerra 😉

(Ogni riferimento è puramente casuale…)


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