AryaMod ROM Port S7Edge Port v6.0 per Note 3




Finalmente Android Marshmallow è sbarcato su AryaMod, uno dei migliori progetti mai visti su Samsung Note 3 (tutte le versioni). Grazie a questa nuova versione potrete godere di tutte le novità e le impostazioni di Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.

L’installazione di una Rom prevede una certa conoscenza dei sistemi operativi Android, è indispensabile avere un dispositivo con i permessi di Root attivi e dovrete aver provveduto ad installare una Recovery.

Se non avete mai flashato una rom vi consigliamo vivamente di approfondire il discorso per evitare di danneggiare il vostro dispositivo.


Lo staff di non si assume nessuna responsabilità circa errori e/o malfunzionamenti che potrebbero derivare da un errata installazione di questa rom. 

General Features
– Android M 6.0.1
– Based on G935FXXU1APEK Official Firmware for GALAXY S7 EDGE (SM-G935F)
– Added Note 5 features
– Rooted with Superuser 2.74 (System Mode)
– Optimized, Deodexed, De-Knoxed
– Installed Busybox 1.24.2
– Init.d Support
– Debloated
– Multi CSC, 173 sale codes
Aroma Installer
– ROM Control
– Sound Control
– OTA Update
Updated for SDK 23
– Supporting all snapdragon variants
– Extended Power Menu
– Disabled Signature checks
– Enabled “Choose app to complete action”
– Enabled all apps in Multiwindows
– Working private mode
– Added Autostart management in settings
– Statusbar clock and date style in Settings>Date and time
– Statusbar network traffic in Settings>Display
– Dashboard favorite column number in settings increased to 4
– Increased favorite QuickSettings Maximum number to 16 tiles
– Enabled outdoor mode toggle in Settings>Display
– Enabled Display scaling in Settings>Display
– Added ListView animation in Settings>Display
– Enabled Touch key light duration option in Settings>Display
– Added LED indicator settings in settings>display
– Increased animation scales array in settings>development option>animation scales or from ROM Control>phone mods>advanced function menu
– Enabled “Device Status Official” – Removed SysScope dependency
– Added ROM info in Settings>About Device>Software info
– Fixed scroll capture black screen after screenshot
– Enabled Users settings
– Enabled Smart Manager icon in app drawer
– Added Torchlight Settings
– Modded Messaging App
– Enabled Identify unsaved numbers, show info about unsaved phone number on the call screen and in the Phone log
– Disabled Volume Warning on Headphone
– Updated 3minit battery mod
– 70% transparency for gray statusbar while power saving mode is activated
– Added Multiwindows toggle
– Added Floating message (settings and toggle)
– Added Toolbox supporting up to 12 apps
– Added Swipe reset
– Added Chinese keyboard for TGY abd BTI CSCs
– Added Omini switch, amazing multitasking app
– Added UPSM Manager
– Added GalaxyIconThemer
– Added 1000+ custom fonts
– Added FasterGPS for better GPS lock based on region
– Added Adaway
And maybe more that I cannot remember now…

[B]ROM Control
UI Mods
– Statusbar View
– Battery bar Settings
– Toggle between Stock or 3Minit Battery icon.
– Show/Hide Battery percentage in stock battery icon
– Hidden Buttons
– Statusbar Icon Toggles
– Signal Position
Notification Panel
– Any color for for notification panel clock and date
– Any color for extended panel
– Any color for header icons
– Any color for notifications background
– Any color for Quick connect panel text color
– Any color for notifications text
– Custom image for notification panel background
– Set transparency for notification panel custom background
– 17 custom background for qs toggles
– Overlay any color for toggles background
– Any color for Toggle ON state
– Any color for Toggle Off state
– Any color for Toggle text
– Hide/Show Toggle test
– Restore Stock Colors for Notifications panel toggles, clock and date
– Toggle Ongoing Notifications convert to Removable
– Toggle Multiuser Avatar (SystemUI restart required)
– Custom third button in Notification panel header
– Toggle Single Swipe for Quick Settings Panel from left side
– Visible Toggles shown in Notification Panel (choose between 4 to 7 toggles, fixed cut off toggle on 7 toggle)
Phone Mods
– End Call Delay
– Incoming Auto call recording
– Outgoing Auto call recording
– Advanced Function Menu (hidden settings)
– Power Extended menu (toggle 10 option)
– Customize hard key buttons
– Home Button Settings
– Toggle Home wake
– DoubleTap Assignment
– DoubleTap Application
– LongPress Assignment (20+ choices)
– LongPress Application
– Left Capacitive Key
– ShortPress Assignment (20+ choices)
– LongPress Assignment (20+ choices)
– LongPress Application
– Right Capacitive Key
– LongPress Assignment (20+ choices)
– LongPress Application
– Toggle Torchlight in lockscreen
– Torchlight timeout
– Volume Key Cursor Control
– USB Plug/Unplug Wake Screen
– Toggle Ambient Display
Sound and Dialogs
– Volume Rocker Music Control
– System Sound toggles
– Full battery notification
– Low battery notification
– Toggle Mobile Data popup
Launcher Mods
– Toggle Wallpaper Scrolling for TW launcher
– Added Dark Font for TW Launcher
– Touchwiz Page Effect (7 effects)
– Swipe reset: Select any activity for left-swipe app target
– Gesture anywhere on Homescreen: Double tap, Swipe Up, Swipe Down (15 actions)
*** Swipe up gesture has the same action as left capacitive key so specifying recent apps action for the left capacitive would be the same for swipe up gesture on homescreen
Lockscreen Mods
– Lockscreen Carrier
– Lockscreen Clock and Data Color
– Lockscreen Clock and Data Font, style and size
Other Mods
– Toggle to bypass Email Exchange Security on Stock Email App
– Choose number of columns in settings (single, dual)
– Show/Hide QuickSettings Favorite
Useful Apps
– Toolbox Settings
– UPSM Manager
– OmniSwitch
– SuperSu
– OTA Updates
– Faster GPS
Galaxy Icon Themer
– Adaway

AryaMod Premium Sound Control
Beat Audio Settings
Viper4Android Settings
Dolby Atmos Settings

Note: Switch off Beats Audio and Dolby Atmos on speaker

Aroma Setup
– MultiCSC: 173 sale codes
– CSC Features:

  • LTE/4G Data Icon,
  • KB Subsymble,
  • Browser Exit Menu,
  • Browser Home Option,
  • Browser Exit Popup,
  • Call Button,
  • Block Menu in Settings,
  • Data Usage View On Quick Panel,
  • Swipe Notifications to left to block

– Choice of camera

  • S7Edge
  • Note4

– Sound mod

  • AryaMod Premium Sound Control
  • Stock, Sound Alive

– Smart Manager

  • S7Edge
  • C style


  • Stock grid
  • 6Dock and 5×6 App Drawer, smaller icon

– Choice of Emoji: 6 choices

Root permission and Custom recovery (PhilZ Touch 6.48.4 or twrp- is required for flashing any custom rom so make sure you are done this part.
Make sure your phone is fully charged to 100%.
Now follow as below:

Download the ROM zip and make sure md5sum is matched then transfer to your phone
Download MM compatible kernel and transfer to your phone
Flash odin latest modem and bootloader from here thanks @dkonect and make sure it’s updated correctly
Boot the phone into Recovery Mode
Do a FULL wipe: Dalvik Cache, Cache, Data, System even if coming from a port rom
Flash rom
The first boot may take 15-20 min
This ROM comes with NO KERNEL, you need to flash a compatible MM kernel before or after flashing the ROM. If you already running MM kernel no need flashing it again.
After booting up in setting wizard make sure to uncheck diagnostic data


Download the ROM zip and make sure md5sum is matched then transfer to your phone
Download MM compatible kernel and transfer to your phone
Flash odin latest modem and bootloader from here courtesy @jcadduono and make sure it’s updated correctly
Boot the phone into Recovery Mode
Do a FULL wipe: Dalvik Cache, Cache, Data, System even if coming from a port rom
Flash rom
The first boot may take 15-20 min
This ROM comes with NO KERNEL, you need to flash a compatible MM kernel before or after flashing the ROM. If you already running MM kernel no need flashing it again.

If you don’t follow the instruction and post an issue you got do not expect any respond. And if you keep posting your issue you would be reported due to spamming and misleading other users.
Please read and search before asking any question that hasn’t been asked before and keep this thread clean.
I am not responsible for any damages on your device.
If you like to include any piece of this project in your project contact me first.
How about bugs?
This is a port rom so expect some bugs due to the fact that all features and mods including in this rom are supposed to be running on a S7Edge device and with a different hardware structure. If you are looking for a bug-free rom then you cannot found it here.

  • NFC
  • AOD not working properly
  • Sound alive
  • Some camera mode not working due to hardware limitation
  • Hotspot
  • Gallery event


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Download AryaMod V6.0 S7Edge Port

XDA:DevDB Information
AryaMod Hybrid Port, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Note 3

ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
Based On: Note5, S7Edge

Version Information
Status: Stable
Stable Release Date: 2016-05-22

Created 2016-06-02
Last Updated 2016-07-04

Fonte: XDA
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1 commento

  1. Ciao.
    Quets arom deve essere davvero bella. Chiede però di installare il kernel MM prima di montarla. Conviene quindi passare a MM prima, altrimenti dve si può trovare questo kernel?
