Root My Device v1.4 – Semplice tool per Rootare il tuo Android



Root My Device v1.4 si aggiunge alle applicazioni già recensite in passato come Kingroot, Kingo Root, Towelroot ecc. che potete trovare cliccando QUI.

Come funziona Root My Device?

Installa il file e avvialo; nella schermata principale vi verrano mostrate alcune marche di cellulare, cliccateci sopra e provate a vedere se il vostro modello è conemplato nell’elenco. Se il vostro modello è supportato cliccate su Root e in pochi secondi il gioco è fatto 🙂

English version:

Root My Device v1.4
Requirements: 1.5 and up
Overview: This app provides most secure and 100% tested method to root your phone or tablet.

Easily root your device with this simple app. ENJOY YOUR ROOTED ANDROID DEVICE WITH THIS APP. >>>MOST SECURE>>>MOST EASY>>>100% TESTED>>>>
This app provides most secure and 100% tested method to root your phone or tablet. Rooting your device from some professional would cost you around $50. This app not only saves your money but also provides free helpline. We have included a tutorial with pictorial illustration. Methods are specially deigned for newbies who do not have any prior knowledge of rooting. This method consists of few easy steps and it would take you less than 5 minutes to root your android device. Please Read instructions carefully before rooting your device. Make sure you have your model number is listed in this app before going through root process. Make a backup of your important data and files before proceeding with rooting process. Please note that root may violate your device’s warranty. Make sure you have gone through all pros and cons of rooting your device. If you have any queries please feel free to email us. Good luck with your rooted device.
All models of Samsung, HTC, Motorola, LG, Sony, Acer, Huawei, Dell, Kyocera, Amazon This application gives you -Full refund support(email us to get refunds) -MAINLY READ – INSTRUCTIONS. – More than 600 devices. -70 Language Translator (On web version tutorials) – Quick and easy tutorials. -Regular Update / new devices . – From the most popular to least devices. -Video tutorials
• Stepwise tutorial
• Easy to use
• No hidden charges
• Bonus matterials
• Forums
• videos
• latest devices
• Free technical support on any issue for lifetime
NOTE: This app does not provide one click root option. Its provides upto date tutorial for rooting your device.

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