Square Quick – Rendi divertenti le tue Foto :P




Square Quick – No Crop Photo

Rendi divertenti le tue foto con simpatiche faccine ed effetti divertenti. Con SquareQuick le tue foto non saranno più le stesse…

Descrizione da GooglePlay:

The Best No Crop App You Deserve.

People always say that:
“Square Quick!❤ This App Is Absolutely Fun! I’m So Glad I Found It.”
“Love it.. What I was looking for awhile best APP EVER…”
“Simple but excellent Easy to use and has excellent options just fantastic”
“Best app I found my new favorite photo app. Its quick and makes my pics look professional with the little signature in the corner!!”
“Trust me…I fell in love with this app”

Square Quick not only lets you post uncropped photos to Instagram, you can also stamp your photo with popular emojis and tags.


Yup, it’s that easy.

Features include…

★DESIGNED BACKGROUNDS: You can choose from a variety of amazing backgrounds. We can also support using your photo as background, and adjsting their blurriness.

★LIGHT LEAK: Add the nice light leak effect,make your photo more surprise.

★POPULAR TAGS AND EMOJIS: Add the popular reminder tags and emojis to make your photo more stylish.

★SIGNATURE: Add your own logo, so everyone can see the fun you’re having with squarequick!

Follow the squarequick account on Instagram. Follow us on Instagram: @SQUARE_QUICK, to get the latest information, updates and classic images.

Don’t forget to add our tag in the photos you post #squarequick.

If our app has been helpful to you, please take a minute to give us a good rating in the Google Play, and help us do better.

  Square Quick - No Crop Photo- screenshot   Square Quick - No Crop Photo- screenshot


  Square Quick - No Crop Photo- screenshot   Square Quick - No Crop Photo- screenshot


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