Naptime 2.1.4 per Android [Root]



Naptime ci dà la possibilità di intervenire sui parametri che Google ha impostato per la gestione del risparmio energetico quando il dispositivo entra in fase di stand-by (modalità Doze). Potremo regolare i parametri relativi ai tempi entro i quali il terminale entrerà in “letargo”, aiutati da una descrizione che ci aiuta a capire come ognuno di essi opera.

L’applicazione sfrutta il sensore di movimento e la posizione per consentirci di limitare gli sprechi di energia prolungando la durata della batteria. Naptime necessita dei permessi di root per essere installata, quindi è raccomandata agli utenti consapevoli che si tratta di un’operazione potenzialmente rischiosa, in quanto opera modifiche su parametri definiti dal costruttore. Naptime richiede Android versione 6.0 Marshmallow ed è disponibile gratuitamente con acquisti in-app (links a fine articolo).

Guarda il video:

Descrizione originale da Play Store

Doze is amazing – arguably the best feature of Android™ Marshmallow. But with its caveats. It can take at least 2 hours to kick in (if the device is stationary, not charging etc). If you move around, even with the screen off, doze won’t kick in, so there are a lot of potential battery saving opportunities lost, gone with the wind.

With Naptime by toggling in the “Aggressive doze” options (and assuming you’re rooted) Doze will kick in right after you screen off AND it disables your sensors so that it doesn’t kick you out from doze mode if you move around. When your device screens on everything goes back to normal. It’s just like magic.

If you don’t want to use “Aggressive doze” you can also tune all the framework doze options to your liking. Although it’s a bit for advanced users each item is bundled with a description.

Never settle with bad battery life again with Naptime.


Q: I don’t receive notifications or my music streaming apps stop working after screen off. Please halp!
With ‘Aggressive Doze’ doze is being forced after you screen off. Doze is, currently, the most powerful battery saving mechanism on Android.
The following restrictions apply to your apps while in Doze:
· Network access is suspended;
· The system ignores wake locks;
· Standard AlarmManager alarms are deferred to the next maintenance window:
· The system does not perform Wi-Fi scans;
· The system does not allow sync adapters to run;
·The system does not allow JobScheduler to run;
Although, you can choose apps to bypass doze. Go to Settings -> Battery -> overflow ->Battery optimization -> All apps -> Your app -> Don’t optimize
That’ll allow apps like Spotify to bypass the forced doze and actually work on screen off.

Q: What’s the ‘Sensors app whitelist’ feature?
It works together with the ‘Disable motion detection’ feature and allows you to choose up-to one app (sorry, Android limits us to only one app) to request sensor information even if you disable motion detection.
For example it allows apps, such as Google Fit, to query the accelerometer or gyroscope to count your steps.





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