TWRP Manager v9.0: Recovery facile sul tuo Android


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Ecco TWRP Manager, il modo più semplcie per gestire tutte le operazioni di Recovery direttamente da Android, senza dover necessariamente riavviare il dispositivo. Questa applicazione prevede una certa conoscenza di Android e funziona solo ed esclusivamente su device con permessi di Root attivi.

Con TWRP Manager sarà dunque possibile installare nuove rom, flashare file zip, pulire la cache e tanto altro ancora.

Descrizione originale da Play Store

—————————– THIS APP REQUIRES ROOT ACCESS —————————–

This app allows you to Install, Backup, Restore, and Wipe your device all using TWRP. This utilizes OpenRecoveryScript to complete these actions. Your device will reboot into TWRP, accomplish the selected tasks and then reboot back to Android.

Now features a premium live backup option. Nandroid backup your device while booted in Android and without rebooting to recovery.

We have also added in an in app purchase to remove ads.

If you are at all unhappy with your purchase email us at the email address below with if you would like us to fix the issues or just refund your money. Either way we will happily oblige.

Flash recovery from within android. Only available for official TWRP supported devices

Q: My device isn’t listed but it’s officially supported, why?
A: check under your device’s codename. If you still can’t find it, email us and we will assist you.

Q: Why isn’t my device listed? Why don’t you support my device?
A: We do not make the recovery, Team Win does. If they don’t support it, we cannot support it either. You can see the full list here:


Several features are incompatible with different versions of BusyBox. This is why we require you to use the Stericson BusyBox. It is the only one we have tested that works flawlessly.

If you have any issues or questions please either email us and we will assist. We only have so many devices to test on.

For support:
Send email to [email protected]
A support ticket will be created automatically when you send an email to this address.


Visit and click the help button and create a ticket there.

Guarda il video:


twrp manager




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