AryaMod v9.0 – La Rom perfetta per il tuo Note 3


Fast – Stable – Battery Life

Dopo aver recensito la regina delle Rom per Note 3, ovvero l’ottima Phronesis, vi  presentiamo AryaMod, una rom che non vi farà rimpiangere la vecchia Audax, ormai destinata al Samsung S6. Se infatti il creatore di Audax ha cambiato smartphone e quindi ha spostato i suoi interessi sul top di gamma della casa Coreana, non si può dire lo stesso di AryaMod che continua con grande successo a sfornare rom sempre più prestanti per il nostro redivivo Note 3.

Cos’ha AryaMod di così importante da meritare una recensione? A dire il vero il primissimo impatto non è stato entusiasmante; Audax ci aveva abituato ad avere a bordo del nostro Note 3 molte applicazioni dell’S6, come browser, fotocamera e file manager, mentre su AryaMod siamo tornati ad avere le stesse applicazioni stock del note 3 ma con un gran numero di personalizzazioni  nel menu delle impostazioni e sopratutto, installando il kernel consigliato dagli autori (lean kernel), la durata della batteria aumenterà notevolmente 😀

ATTENZIONE: le operazioni di modding prevedono una discreta conoscenza dei sistemi operativi android; l’autore e lo Staff di non si assume nessuna responsabilità circa eventuali malfunzionamenti che potrebbe derivare dall’uso di questa guida.

General Fetures
Based on N9005XXUGBPD3 Official Firmware
Rooted with SuperSU v2.78-SR1 (system mode)
Deodexed, Zipaligned, De-Knoxed
Installed busybox, sqlite
ROM Control v2.1
Aroma Installer
OTA Update
Downloadable apps removed
Extended Power Menu
Disabled Signature checks
Disabled Scrolling Cash
Lollipop Memory fix
Full transparency for Status bar instead of ugly translucent kitkat bar
Modded Messaging App
Added Clock and date style in Settings>General>Date and time
Added Autostart Management
Increased Toolbox apps number to 12 apps
Grey Scale Option
Enabled and Improved Ultra Power Saving Mode (Fixed lancher widgets reset)
Enabled Unlock effects (6 effects)
Enabled Charging effes (5 effects)
Device status set to “Official”: Syscope dependencies removed
Unknown sources enabled as default
Removed the indents in the notification panel on the left and right
Enabled Note 3 Theme Chooser
Added Floating message
Added Material, Concept and Note5 MM themes
Enabled Application Permission
Added Animation Scale: 0.25,0.4,0.75 (Only available in English UK language)
Added Slide Key Panel
Added Omini switch, amazing multitasking app
Added Samsung Magnifier
Camera shutter sound menu
And maybe more that I cannot remember now…

Aroma Setup
Kernel options, Stock/Idle
Install base or only mods
Wipe(Cashe,Davlik Cashe,Data,System)
CSC options
Launcher (N3,N4,Edge)
Weather Widget (N3,N4,S6)
Keyboard; N3, S6 (Hand writing is broken in S6 keyboard)
Boot Animation (Stock,Custom)
Viper for Android Sound Mod
Custom fonts
Xposed framework

Statusbar Settings
Custom bg for Statusbar
Network traffic preferences
Battery Icon Settings
Hidden Buttons
Statusbar Icon Colors
Statusbar Icon Toggle
Custom bg for recent task bar
AOKP RAM bar settings
Notification Panel
Header preferences
Toggles Settings
Pulldown Body Settings
Phone and Call Settings
Phone and InCallUI Mod
Automatic Call Recording
InCallUI Mods
Launcher Settings
Wallpaper scrolling (All)
Any color for apps text color
TW Swipe (All)
Framework and General
Power Menu Options
Customize Buttons
Enable/Disable 360 degree screen rotation
Enable/Disable USB Plug/Unplug Wake Screen
Sound and Notifications
Music Control
System Sound toggles
Volume warning on Headphone
Lock Screen
Quick Unlock (Pin lock)
Lockscreen Rotation
Torchlight and time-out options
Notifications shown on lockscreen
Carrier Text settings
Lockscreen Theme, effects and styles
Show/Hide Lockscreen Elements
Others Mods
Stock Email Exchange Security
Animation preferences
Keyboard Sub-Symbols
Data Icon Style Selection; 4G/LTE
Call icon in Log
MultiUser Support
Screen Mirror Fix on custom kernel
Useful Apps
OTA Updates
Toolbox Settings
UPSM Manager
MW Apps Manager
Omni Switch

Per maggiori dettagli e per tutti i link cliccate sul liunk qui di seguito:


XDA:DevDB Information
AryaMod V9.0 TW Lollipop , ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Note 3

ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
ROM Firmware Required: Official Lollipop N9005XXUGBOJ6

Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 8.3
Stable Release Date: 2015-01-02

Created 2015-01-21
Last Updated 2016-10-07


Root permission and Custom recovery is required for flashing any custom rom so make sure you are done this part.
Make sure your phone is fully charged to 100%.
Now follow as below:

A: Coming from any official TW 5.0

Download these two files to your computer:

Download the ROM zip, Make sure MD5 matches (use this utility) then transfer it to your phone card
Switch off your phone and take off battery for about 10 seconds
Directly boot to download mode and flash downloaded tar files
Full wipe means: Wipe cash, Wipe davlik cash, Format data, Format System
Flash the ROM zip
Follow in Aroma choose whatever you want and wait until installation is done

B: Coming from any rom than official TW 5.0: like KK, CM, AOKP, ANY Port rom

Flash odin stock N9005XXUGBPD3 firmware using PC ODIN utility
Root it
Flash a custom recovery
Download the ROM zip, Make sure MD5 matches (use this utility) then transfer it to your phone card
Full wipe means: Wipe cash, Wipe davlik cash, Format data, Format System
Wipe internal card as you are coming from an unofficial ROM
Flash the ROM zip
Follow in Aroma choose whatever you want and wait until installation is done

Additional steps for T-Mobile 900T ONLY:

Instead of above mentioned 2 tar file head over here and Download lollipop Modem and kernel to your computer
Switch off your phone and take off battery for about 10 seconds
Directly boot to download mode and flash downloaded tar files.
Then flash the ROM as mentioned above with full wipe.
Lastly flash the WiFi fix before booting up from here


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28 Commenti

  1. Salve a tutti
    Qualcuno ha Installato la V9?
    Mi può aiutare perchè ho problemi con il il flash della ultima rom.
