Phronesis Rom N7 v6.0 per Note 3 [MM 6.0.1]



Phronesis è una fantastica Rom basata su Android Marshmallow 6.0.1 Stock Samsung che renderà il vostro Note 3 più veloce, stabile e con un’ottima durata della batteria.

Durante l’installazione potretete scegliere il kernel, la fotocamera ed altri programmi da installare. Il nostro consiglio è quello di seguire il più possibile i suggerimenti di default in modo da ottenere la massima resa di questa Rom davvero performante. Nella nostra installazione abbiamo modificato pochi parametri, come ad esempio la fotocamera del Samsung S6 ma abbiamo preferito lasciare il kernel stock e tutto ciò che l’installazione ci suggeriva.

Provenendo da Audax Rom ci sentiamo di dire che dalle prime impressioni Phronesis ci ha impressionato positivamente, ma è ancora troppo presto per dire se sarà o meno la nostra Rom definitiva 🙂




Guida all’installazione di Phronesis

  • Scaricate la rom Phronesis rom e copiatela nel vostro Note 3: DOWNLOAD
  • Riavviate il dispositivo in Recovery. Si raccomanda TWRP
  • Fate un bel Full Wipe (consigliato Wipe nuova installazione)
  • Ora potete partite con il flash della rom seguendo le indicazioni di Aroma Installer
  • Vi consigliamo di installare anche il Kernel suggerito nell’installazione onde evitare che il primo avvio superi i 10 min; Il team consiglia il kernel LSS.
  • Al termine dell’installazione riavviate il vostro Note 3 ed attendete che si avvii correttamente
  • Una volta avviato il Note 3 completerà il processo di installazione caricando tutte le app e le personalizzazioni
  • Mettetevi comodi e godetevi Phronesis Rom

Trovate l’articolo originale in questa pagina

English version:

Phronesis N7 Port Features

0. Initial release i.e. An hybrid of N930FXXU1BPH6 and N930FXXU1APG7 N7 international firmware
1. Cool and snappier operations
2. Fully customised
3. Smooth as butter. You will never find a smoother rom
4. Call forward implemented
5. Modded SMS app. Write a very very long text without the fear of your carrier charging you extra.
6. Different level of animation made available for selection. 0, 0.25, to 1.0
7. Beautiful frames
8. Recent menu rounded for beautification
9. CSC default to BTU. You could find other CSC files to use in the aroma
10. All relevant toggles enabled…toolbox, Multiwindows etc
11. High volume warning disabled
12. Data toggle warning disabled
13. Play with system files as you ever want…framework properly patched
14. Latest apps, google search, Play Store and many more
15. Ability to completely remove all google services and app and restore with a single click. See Phronesis settings for more customisation
16. Fully multi-language
17. Unknow app installation enabled by default
18. Latest Smart Manager included
19. Disabled app signature verification
20. Samsung and Google apps updating
21. Developer option enabled by default
22. More device supported
23. Color mods and corresponding global switches
24. LED indicator settings fully ported
25. All power menu enabled with toggle
26. Screen Off flashlight
27. All apps in Multiwindow enabled
28. Init.d supported
29. Sound mods. Beats, Viper, Atmos and SoundAlive
30. Device backup and restore
31. Soft button enabled for many actions
32. Gesture anywhere on home screen
33. USSD works
34. Dynamic DPI change

And many many more for you to discover……

Rom Control – With Phronesis Rom Control, the power is in your hand to control and customise your device as you like. There is no limit to what you do with it. Just think about it and it is possible. A very special thanks to a true friend and lover of what Phronesis stands for in the person of @daxgirl and a her true partner @wuby for making the dream of RC a reality. Thanks to you both

– Alarm display ON/OFF
– Bluetooth ON/OFF
– Volume ON/OFF
– 3Minit Battery
– Switch between stock battery / 3Minit
– Stock battery removable from lockscreen
– Network Speed Indicator with many options
– Colour anything you want you color lovers
– With a click, restore all statusbar colors to their default stock colors
– Quick launch app on recent with possibilities of colors
– Add button in quick launch
– Custom clock toggle / stock clock with colors
– Immersive mod – utilize the full screen
– Battery bar implemented with animation
– Customisable Clock
– Possible to disable Power saving mode
– Signal position switching
– Immersive mode
– Dynamic Statusbar color mod and many more…….

– Choose from any image in your device to use as notification background image. Other settings available. There is file size restriction
– Single swipe from the right hand side for full toggles display with option to set it ON/OFF
– Colorize any lockscreen items to your liking
– Notification text color
– Notification background color
– RAM display bar with toggle
– Multi user avarter with toggle
– Head notification ON/OFF
– Ongoing notification made removable
– IME notification removal with toggle
– Memory cleaner
– Single swipe to display all toggles
– Roaming notification with toggle
– Memory cleaner color
– Quick launcher text color mod
– Statusbar header panel color mod
– Data usage color mod
– Toggle circle custom shape and color
– And so many many more
– Clock mods with colors
– Pull down full color mod
– Toggle ON/OFF color mod
– Full notification item color mod
– Brightness panel full color mod
– Data usage full color mod
– Full stock color restore
– Notification shapes mod
– Notification text color mod
– Device info full display
– Quick PIN unlock
– USB plug screen wake option with toggle

– Quick PIN unlock
– Modded clock on lockscreen with colour options
– Revert to stock color with a single click. No reboot needed (Amazing)
– Choose from many clock fonts on the lockscreen
– Custom Carrier text
– Enable or Disable Lockscreen rotation
– Custom clock fonts select from many options
– Next alarm with toggle
– Custom carrier text
– Carrier text coloration
– Lockscreen timeout
– Number of notification items to be displayed
– Swipe help text
– Lockscreen rotation with toggle
– Clock scalling
– Fully customise with color options and fonts
– Clock itme display option
– Global swith to turn off all color mods
– Restore option to restore all color to stock within a second with a single click

Advanced Phone Control
– Auto call recording
– Screenshot sound toggle
– Caller flashlight with frequency control
– Quick PIN unlock
– Dial pad return frequency settings
– Exchange security bypass option
– TouchWiz Launcher animation
– IME beautiful animation
– ListView animation
– Toast pop up animation
– IncallUI custom image, gradient and solod color option
– Lockscreen flashlight with toggel and durations
– Advanced power menu. All items enabled
– Possible to swith between LL and MM power menu
– Reboot recovery added to power menu items
– Bike mode added to power menu
– Advanced function to view device information
– USSD working and other options

Sound Panel
– A single panel for all the device mods
– Select from list of installed sound mods. Viper4Androis, Dolby Atmos, Beats Audio, Sound Alive and other combinations
– High volume warning with toggle

Advanced Device Mod – Personalize your device to your liking with following options:
– Choose from modded frameworks (colored or stock)
– Select SystemUI to liking – stock or Advanced SystemUI
– Statusbar iconthemer
– Left soft key shortpress option
– Option to have full power menu with screenshot, record etc
– Enable or disable boot sound
– Volume slider sound
– Low battery sound

Soft key and Virtual Button control
– Select custom action for soft keys. Many options available. Kill app, search, screenshot, camera, Multiwindow, recent custom app so many more.
– Select custom action Home button. Many options available. Kill app, search, screenshot, camera, multiwindow, recent custom app so many more.
– Set custom actions for Left, Center and Right virtual keys with Longpress and Shortpress actions
– Set swipe actions (left / right) on lockscreen. Many options available e.g. Kill app, search, screenshot, camera, multiwindow, recent custom app etc.
– Set swipe actions (left / right) on device. Many options available e.g. Kill app, search, screenshot, camera, Multiwindow, recent custom app etc.
– Gesture Anywhere on the Touchwiz launcher
– Power double tap actions

Backup and Restore plus Others
– Backup and restore device permissions
– Backup and restore entire device settings
– Backup and restore Contacts, SMS, Call logs, Calendar entries, Wi-Fi, Keyboard settings etc. All within seconds
– Revoke all granted permissions on device with a single click

Useful Script
– Netflix ON/OFF
– Remove and restore Google applications
– Custom DPI – Select from pre-configured DPI
– Restore Global stock color
– Disable or Enable device sounds
– Selective restoration of Lockscreen item colors to stock
– Selective restoration of Statusbar item colors to stock
– Selective restoration of Notification item colors to stock

Useful Application – Portal for application selection
– SuperSU
– Terminal Emulator
– Root FTP
– Toolbox
– Adaway
– Dynamic DPI change
– Caller Flashlight
– Dynamic DPI Change

Phronesis Rom Control Backup
– Backup your Phronesis Rom Control settings in real time

– Aroma Install options
– Update your rom without having to do a full wipe
– Clearer options
– Option to keep current kernel during mods update or fresh install
– Make selection to your preferences

Sound Mod – Choose from the following combinations. Your device sound couldn’t be better and richer. You can easily switch between different sound mod
– SoundAlive and Beats Audio
– Dolby Atmos
– Viper
– Dolby Atmos + Viper
– Dolby Atmos + Viper + Beats Audio
– SoundAlive

– Google App Updated to the latest
– Google Play store updated to the latest version with material icon
– SuperSU updated to the latest version
– Samsung apps updated to the latest version

And so many more for your enjoyment…..You will certainly be spoiled for choices

Rom Installation:

1. Download Phronesis rom and save it to your phone memory or sd card
2. Get a good recovery. TWRP recovery recommended, Newer versions are not supported
3. Boot into recovery, factory reset (full wipe, clean install is recommended). Make choices in Aroma.
4. Optional flash kernel of choice if you’re
4. Reboot after successful install and wait for best rom in town to build. Allow about 10 – 15 minutes for first boot.
5. Your phone will reboot once after the first boot to complete customizations..
6. Sit back and enjoy

For full wipes Rom Releases:

1. Boot into recovery (say TWRP
2. Select wipe in recovery menu
3. Select Advanced Wipe
4. From the resulting window, select to wipe system, data, cache and dalvik cache (of course after backing up your rom / data)
5. Swipe to wipe the selected partitions.

That’s recovery wipe completed.

In Aroma menu when you get to option to wipe, select:

1. Select “Full Wipe” radio button
2. Select “Full wipe 1” radio button
3. Select your CSC as desired
4. Continue making other choices as you like….

Kernel Installations: VERY IMPORTANT

The team has been working with developer of lss kernel to bring out the best of both world. And the kernel has performed very well during testing. The dev is also committed to improving the kernel. The rom is bundled with LSSKernel 3.5UX.

As I usually say, our Note3 device sometimes behaves differently and usage is different too. For these reasons, I will also advice that you try other kernel and decide which is best for you.


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313 Commenti

    • Ciao Giuseppe, purtroppo aiutarti per una cosa del genere è troppo difficile da spiegarlo aqui nei commenti. Dovresti cercare qualche guida o vudeo tutorial

  1. Buongiorno,
    dopo l’aggiornamento a phronesis, ho riscontrato un problema con il GPS, il quale non si aggancia ai satelliti e se si aggancia, muovendomi, sulla cartina rimane fermo o se ne va su altre vie.
    mi sapreste dare qualche dritta su come risolvere?

  2. buonanotte
    scusate se riscrivo, mi sapreste consigliare una rom per samsung galaxy s3 neo modello SM-N7505 android 5.1.1
    in rete sto trovando molta difficoltà a trovarle , e se le trovo sono absolete, con debug, e molto datate
    eppure l’s3 neo non è proprio da buttare via
    scusate e grazie
    sono un vostro assiduo lettore….almeno una volta al giorno leggo la vostra home per le novità

    • Buongiorno Massimiliano,
      è da tempo ormai che si nota un calo nella elaborazione di nuove Rom “cucinate” per i vari modelli di cellulare. probabilmente causato da una maggiore cura dei produttori che hanno fatto tesoro dei suggerimenti derivati dalle Rom elaborate. Ho provato a fare una ricerca veloce per l’S3 Neo, trovando solo qualcosa a livello di Cyanogenmod e, quindi, Lineage…. forse potresti trovare qualcosa lì. Saluti.
