I giochi del Pc sul tuo Android con KinoConsole


  KinoConsole - Stream games- screenshot

Kino Console è la fantartica app che ti permette di giocare ai giochi del Pc direttamente sul tuo dispositivo android in modo davvero semplice.

KinoConsole è dospinibile per dispositivi Android, iOS e Windows Mobile.

La procedura è molto semplice; eccovi un video tutorial


Play PC games on your Android phone, tablet or TV. KinoConsole is remote desktop application optimised for streaming games to your smartphone or tablet device.

New! KinoConsole now also supports virtual reality headsets like cardboard. Use your device for accurate and lag-free head tracking. For games that do not natively have stereo rendering KinoConsole can automatically duplicate video for both eyes.

Control games with touchscreen gestures, virtual on-screen joystick, external gamepad or head-tracking. You can also customise controls to your preference.

To start playing games download and install Kinoni Remote Server from http://kinoconsole.kinoni.com to your PC. For best gaming experience you need a powerful multi-core PC and fast wireless network. For WiFi 5 GHz network is recommended.

KinoConsole features:
• Play latest games from your home PC
• Supports HD resolution video up to 60 frames per second (Pro version)
• Virtual reality headset support with accurate head tracking
• Side-by-side rendering support for games without stereo 3D
• Low-latency CD-quality stereo audio
• Control games with touchscreen gestures, external gamepad or virtual on-screen joystick
• Prebuilt optimised controls for popular games
• Customise controls to your preference
• Supports external game controllers compatible with Android
• Automatically adds your Steam games to game library
• Launch games remotely from Android application
• Simple one-time minimal setup, start playing in minutes
• Automatic server discovery in local network, also support playing across the internet
• KinoConsole PC server supports Windows Vista or later
• Full Xbox controller emulation on Windows

Disclaimer: this application is not affiliated to PC games displayed on product screenshots.

  KinoConsole - Stream games- screenshot

  KinoConsole - Stream games- screenshot

  KinoConsole - Stream games- screenshot


KinoConsole allows you to play your favourite PC games anywhere, anytime. Latest games like Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, Diablo III, Sims, Civilization V and X-COM are now playable on your Android phone or tablet. KinoConsole works by streaming video games from your PC, phone is used to display game video stream and to send controls to game.


Before you can start playing a simple one-time setup is needed. Please read the instructions below carefully.

PC setup

To start playing games download and install KinoniConsole Server from http://kinoconsole.kinoni.com to your PC. During installation remember to install optional ‘Gaming extension’, this allows KinoConsole to emulate Xbox controller.

During installation you will be displayed a dialog as shown below. Enter a password for remote access and memorise it. Also write down computer IP address, you will need them when connecting to PC outside local network. You can also sign in to Google Account on both Windows and Android device to enable playing over internet.

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After entering your PC password please click on ‘Quick Launch’-tab. You will be shown list of games available to play with KinoConsole. At first launch the list is empty. If you are using Steam platform you can easily add games by clicking ‘Add Steam library’ button. To manually add games click ‘Browse..’-button add select game executable-file. You can also remove games from list using ‘Delete’-button or temporarily disable them by unchecking ‘Enabled’-column. After adding games your list should be populated with games on shown below. To save changes close the dialog with ‘OK’-button.

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Android app setup

You can now launch KinoConsole-application on your Android phone or tablet. If you are connected to same local network as your PC list of available games with icons and names will be shown automatically on screen. To play over internet you need to sign in to your Google account. You can now browse games and choose one by clicking.

Android gamesServer will now automatically launch the game and you can start playing. Please notice that launching a game can take a long time on PC.


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